Release Notes
ACVacars releases ("Changelog")
Latest: 14 November 2024
Version / Service Pack
- Updated, to Fsuipc 7.4.18 for MSFS
- Updated, software core of ACVacars installer
- Added, Sound, Alice, warning less than 20min cockpit preparation time to PB
- Added, Sound, flight, fuel mentioning 75%, 65%, 50%, 35%, 25%, 15%, 10%, 5%, 3%
- Added, Sound, startFlight, not acceptable payload warning
- Added, Sound, startFlight, not meaningful fuelload warning
- Added, Sound, startFlight, counterPhase, unless Alice other characters blocked
- Added, Sound, startFlight, randomly select AI Voice for FO, FE, Nav, LMa, Mec
- Added, Sound, Will AI Voice, as another pilot voice
- Improved, Sound, Alice AI Voice, instructions fuel and/or payload, general/PMDG
- Improved, loadBid, MsgBox acft out of service, now with details which acft/reg
- Fixed, startFlight, stop already playing sounds from an earlier flight
Version / Sound Module introduced
- Added, Sound concept, Alice AI Voice, Program hint sounds (ALPHA)
- Added, Sound concept, Rey AI Voice, Welcome/GoodBye (ALPHA)
- Added, Sound concept, Rey AI Voice, Systems/Warnings/FlightPhases/Checklists (ALPHA)
- Added, Sound Engine NAudio of Mark Heath
- Added, FlightValue, diff, thrust lever position if engines running or not
- Added, frmSettings, new tab Sound
- Added, frmMain, Menu ErrLog, Delete-Entry
- Added, frmMain, Menu Help, Entry, get directly ACVacars installer file via browser
- Fixed, Convert lbs to kg
- Fixed, frmMinimal, MSFS, WarningTxt if crew-number mismatch
- Fixed, smallPenalty, using reversers but too slow
- Fixed, SendingEmail with ErrorLogTxt working again
- Fixed, Slow download speed of ACVacars update
- Fixed, random calculation maxValue
- Added, Program, MenuEntry Style, Bright/Dark mode to choose (BETA)
- Added, smallPenalty, takeoff with tailwind > 10 kts
- Added, smallPenalty, landing with tailwind > 10 kts
- Added, flightLog, entry if showing flight on acars map (de-)activated
- Added, FSS B722F, startUp hint how load payload and fuelload
- Updated, to Fsuipc 7.4.17 for MSFS
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.3.12
- Changed, startFlight, A306ST, info text about tank no 5 bug
- Changed, Deleted Ro MD-11F startUp hint how deactivating AP
- Changed, TaxiLights penalty only check if > 0 engines are running
- Changed, Small parking-brake penalty only check if > 0 engines are running
- Changed, Small parking-brake penalty check deactivated for Laminar A330
- Changed, NoGo parking-brake penalty check deactivated for Laminar A330
- Fixed, frmSettings, DC, handling chkBoxes when disabled from scratch
- Fixed, startUp, check website-connection-encryption
- Fixed, iniB BelugaST, byPass solution for corrupted fueltank no. 5
- Improved, code switch-mechanic, cancel/finish flight
- Updated, php 8+ compatibility client/server
- Updated, to Fsuipc 7.4.16 for MSFS
- Updated, program, licence txt, inspiration note, vangelisb
- Changed, frmSettings, program autoUpdate now always activated
- Changed, frmText, Print, now via print dialog, not directly anymore
- Added, frmWeather, Headwind/Tailwind added to composed wind-info
- Added, frmMain, btnRefreshLoadedFlight
- Added, frmSettings, paths, placeholders FS2024/P3Dv6
- Added, frmSettings, Weather, as option
- Added, frmAbout, inspired by acars of vangelisb
- Updated, to Fsuipc 7.4.10 for MSFS
- Added, ACVacars check new version, now with MD5-hash check
- Added, MSFS iniB A306F PW, compatibility
- Changed, frmStartUp, BG-image
- Changed, TestProtocol as PDF deleted
- Changed, frmMain, local Manual to online Manual
- Changed, frmLogin, updated FSim screenshot-picture
- Changed, rec/send flightdata to website-acarsmap, indicated ALT
- Leaving BETA phase
- Added, XP iB A306ST, bug-note fueltank 5
- Added, rec/send flightdata to website-acarsmap
- Changed, simTimeAccel, small aircraft, limit 5k ft instead 11k
- Changed, .NET 4.8 to .NET 4.8.1
- Changed, VS2017 to VS2022
- Updated, to Fsuipc 7.4.5 for MSFS
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.3.9
- Updated, to protobuf-net v.3.2.30
- Added, XP iniB A300 BelugaST, compatibility
- Added, MSFS iniB A306F, compatibility
- Added, startFlight, use EmptyWeight value from webVA
- Added, startFlight, pilotRankIgnore if acf-type-free activated
- Added, startFlight, pilotRankIgnore if pilot is type rated
- Added, runnFlight, totalFlownSec, send to webVA acarsmap
- Fixed, Mismatch calc FuelReserv between webVA and ACVacars
- Fixed, LoadLastBid, double warning msgbox
- Updated, XP12 Zibo 738BCF, compatibility
- Changed, startFlight, XP, acft-EW now only from webVA taken
- Changed, startFlight, MSFS, default msgbox txts
- Improved, mode sufficientRange on/off logic
- Updated, to Fsuipc 7.4.01 for MSFS
- Added, iniB/Aso An225, compatibility
- Fixed, startFlight, strEmptyErr, load fuel, load payload
- Changed, ByPass, Felis 742F, ignore autopilot recognition
- Added P3D, addonCheck folders SimMarket, Addon Scenerys
- Added, txbLog txt, penalty wearing engines, current %
- Added, settings, btn, delete shaders for XP11/12
- Added, frmMain, mnuFlight, show flight acars map on/off
- Fixed, txbLog, preFlight, maxPayload optional aircraft
- Fixed, SSG 748F, N1 instead ThrustLever percent
- Changed weahterSett, Active Sky, XP and P3D diff
- Changed, settings, sendErrorLog, deactivated by default
- Changed, settings, autoSave, deactivated by default
- Changed, weatherSett, Vatsim-Weather opt deactivated
- Improved, txbLog, preFlightLoading, info txt
- Fixed, startFlight, check distance to depart Airport
- Fixed, version check
- Added, loadBid, txbLog, calcShow available payload
- Added, frmMain, txbLog, flying regs and aircraft pre-info
- Changed, SSG 748F, N1 instead ThrustLever percent max104%
- Added, Laminar A333P2F, compatibility
- Fixed, Ro MD11F, N1 instead ThrustLever percent max110%
- Changed, iS A306F, N1 instead ThrustLever percent max105%
- Changed, SSG 748F, N1 instead ThrustLever percent max102%
- Changed, frmMinimal, AT/AP-ON red-btns only below 2000ft
- Updated, to Fsuipc 7.3.21 for MSFS
- Updated, to Fsuipc 6.2.0 for P3D
- Updated, to protobuf-net v.3.2.26
- Added, Log, DataTag, codeCargoJobAllLegsFlown
- Added, Log, DataTag, codeCargoJobThisLeg
- General, departureTime = offBlockTime, implemented
- Changed, startFlight, CockpitPrepTime reduced to 3min/+1min
- Added, penaltyOverspeed, indication how much IAS kts
- Fixed, frmMinimal, txt, alignment special characters
- Changed, Flight, timeToPB/AR, now with FSimLocalDate
- Changed, startFlight, checkDepTime, now with FSimLocalDate
- Changed, +/- 45min before offBlock time accepted to start a flight
- Changed, departureTime, new as offBlock time
- Deactivated, XP11/12, calc if CG critical is
- Added, P3D PMDG 737-700 BDSF, compatibility
- Added, FF 752F, compatibility
- Added, SSG 748F, compatibility
- Fixed, startLog, autoShow PayloadManager, only specific aircraft types
- Changed, startLog, departureTime, strict UTC-only approach
- Changed, startLog, availPayl, now in relation maxPayl sched aircraft
- Added, frmMinimal, colorRed, if availPayload is exceeded
- Added, frmMinimal, lbl, indicates right-click function too
- Added, frmMinimal, lbl, right-click opens manual-post in ACV-forum
- Added, frmMain, statusLbl, click opens time-post in ACV-forum
- Added, frmMain, cbxAircraft, add "optional" if ON range sufficient
- Added, MSFS/PMDG, startFlight, autoActivate fsuipc-Broadcasting
- Added, MSFS/PMDG, startFlight, infoText fsuipc-Broadcasting
- Fixed, frmMain, AircraftLabels, colorSetBack if no flight running
- Optimized, load/change payload, MsgBox more detailed information
- Updated, ACVacars License text
- Updated, FanMod License text
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.3.6
- Added, frmMinimal, warning-btns autopilot/autothrottle still ON
- Added, log, TouchDown event, write also autothrottle ON/OFF
- Added, frmMain, menuAircraft, entries AP-Master and AT-Arm
- Added, StartFlight, PMDG 737, hint electricity ON before door OPEN
- Changed, PilotErr, landing with AT ON/OFF, ignore some aircraft-types
- Changed, CreateProfile, notShow DL-Center if new files
- Changed, frmListBids, Add bid btn, direct-URL
- Changed, frmAbout, text
- ByPass, check FSimExeVersion, errMsg if XP
- Fixed, MSFS, PMDG aircraft, minimum cockpit prep-time
- Fixed, PMDG 737 747 777, read offsets, AP Master and AT ARM
- Optimized, FlightModule, check aircraft landed at arrival arpt
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.3.4
- Added, XP12, FF 767, compatibility
- Added, Code, handling rank->aircraft restriction activated
- Added, Code, recognizing aircraftShortName of acf in FSim
- Added, frmPayload, lblFuelload, color indication fuelload
- Added, frmMain, runningFlight, status list bottom, show penalty sum
- Added, frmMain, lblPayload, MsgBox interpretation of lbl-color
- Added, frmMain, lblFuelload, color indication fuelload txt interpretation
- Added, frmMain, lblFuelload, click opens PayloadManager/Fuel
- Added, Felis 747-200CF, compatibility
- Added, Penalty thrust excess, counter logic, bonus/malus system
- Fixed, frmPayload, avail. Payload lbs, math.round
- Fixed, Penalty System, TakeOff, re-setting of some penalty counter
- Fixed, FlightLog, FlapsDegrees, XP12 Felis 747-200
- Fixed, frmSettings, tabPaths, enable=false if flight running
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.2.25
- Added, XP12, compatibility
- Added, FS2020, MsbBox, Hint howTo if not working
- Added, frmMain, gbx flight, lblDepArrivICAOs, clickable and dynamic color
- Added, frmMain, gbx aircraft, lblPayload, clickable and dynamic color
- Added, frmMinimal, btns for certain aircraft types
- Added, frmDownloadCenter, btn link forumPage liveries manual install
- Added, StartFlight, HWD A330neo, hint parking-brake workaround
- Added, PMDG 737-800BCF, compatibility
- Added, PMDG 737-700BDSF, compatibility
- Added, BAe 146-300, compatibility
- Added, Zibo-LevelUp 737, compatibility
- Added, Rotate MD-11, compatibility
- Added menuAircraft, Parking Brake, manual setting
- Added, endFlight, criteria, landed at arrival airport
- Added, Asobo C-208F, compatibility
- Bypass, Fsuipc/MSFS bug, endless GW + 1 lbs in some occasions
- Fixed, frmDownloadCenter, delete orphaned files
- Fixed, frmMinimal, code logic
- Fixed, get ParkingBrake ON, now only if value >= 32767
- Fixed, StartFlight, load cargoPayload, XP11-speciality replaced
- Fixed, StartFlight, load cargoPayload, if all payloadCargoStations zero
- Fixed, StartFlight, conditions, MsgBox text, main door must be open
- Changed, No InBrowser more, now jumping to default browser instead
- Changed, No ActiveSky as weather source if MSFS
- Changed, Deactivated, finalCalc flight time minus pre-given delays
- Changed, Calc flight time, always when moving on ground or flying in air
- Changed, Fsuipc P3D/FS2020, minimum version
- Changed, CrashSurfaces, if light aircraft (prop/turboprop)
- Changed, CrashSurfaces, if very low groundspeed
- Optimized, mxgTxt, if using PMDG 737 in MSFS
- Optimized msgTxt, FL 50 limit no pause
- Optimized msgTxt, FL 110 limit time acc
- Optimized, routine checkTakeOff
- Optimized, routine checkTouchDown
- Added, DL-Center, XP11 aircraft section added
- Added, frmMain, chk_obj store autopilot status
- Fixed, webVA, update acarsmap while on ground after landing
- Changed, Method check internet connection
- Changed, Method check autopilot activated
- Changed, VS .NET Framework from 4.7.2 to 4.8
- Changed, MsgBox, forbidden fuel-change, more detailed text
- Added, frmMain, menu entry, open acars savegame-flights
- Added, PmP A-321-200P2F, compatibility
- Added, iS A-300-600F V2, compatibility
- Added, DL-Center, delete orphaned/legacy main-folders
- Fixed, frmMinimal, height if should-payload text
- Fixed, spelling, "aircrafts" corrected
- Fixed, finalApproach, lag prevention webVA data exchange
- Fixed, frmMain/Minimal, save X,Y but disposed
- Fixed, MixUp BGWorkerThread and UI Thread
- Fixed, triggerLogic TouchDown and TakeOff procedure
- Fixed, check InvokeRequired on a control instead frmMain form
- Fixed, XP11, StartFlight, calc and set payload
- Changed, frmMinimal, refresh only if true changes on form
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.2.11
- Added, DC-Center, FS2020 aircraft section added
- Added, DC-Center struct, livery-installers, split per chosen FSim
- Added, xmlStructure errorReporting, additional fileContent Infos
- Added, webVA acarsMap, lag protection during final approach
- Added, Headwind A-330-900P2F compatibility
- Added, StartFlight, MsgBox, diff. between Fsuipc and Xpuipc
- Added, SendLog, if corrupt delete incomplete mainData part automatically
- Fixed, GetThisSavegameOnlyBYREF, if only DummyContent
- Fixed, Read ProgProcesses, performance drop
- Fixed, Read XML, if only DummyContent
- Fixed, Send/Load Pirep, path to acars-savegame-folder
- Fixed, frmSettings, DistCloseArrivArpt, if no flight running
- Fixed, P3D, XP11, check running aircraft type
- Fixed, FsuipcNet, performance drop reading payloadStations
- Fixed, FsuipcNet, some useless readings during one timerIteration
- Changed, Read ProgProcesses, changed concept
- Changed, Fsuipc, read VerticalSpeedTouchDown, concept
- Changed, ProfileSettings, showFSimMsg, not only for saving anymore
- Changed, TO NoGo Flaps 0, now only if Slats 0 too
- Changed, Structure FsuipcNET, using payloadStations
- Changed, NoGo Overspeed MSFS, logTxt only if defTaken
- Changed, NoGo Overspeed, now full waitingCounter per incident
- Changed, frmMain, lbl txt, "Scheduled route:"
- Added, Asob B-747-8BCF, currGW protection
- Added, Asob B-747-8BCF, compatibility
- Added, PayloadManager, handle listview if freighter with only paxStations
- Added, MSFS pathAircraftCfg file, bypass if MSFS relative path bug happens
- Fixed, frmSettings, XP11, default finding of unusual paths
- Fixed, FlightEvaluation, calc flighttime net if short distances
- Fixed, check Aircraft typ, bypass path-text case sensitive
- Fixed, Check FlightAcceptance if creditable time and pilot-err-percent diff
- Fixed, Fuel/PayloadCheat, enforce MsgBox with pausing FSim not only 5x
- Fixed, PayloadCheat, not possible to exceed max avail. payload
- Fixed, Calc NetPayloadOnlyCargo if only paxStations but cargo
- Changed, Flight, AutoPause close Arrival, never longer than half flightDist
- Changed, frmSettings, FSims cbx, update logic
- Changed, StartFlight, MSFS, not autoset instrument Lights to OFF
- Changed, SmallError, text, touch-down with autopilot ON
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.2.10
- Added, FS2020, button "Unpause" if in pause mode
- Added, Menu Flight entry, Pause/Unpause FSim
- Added, endProg, check flight finished but not yet sent, MsgBox
- Added, more detailed MsgTxt why flight approval was denied
- Added, PmP A-330-300P2F compatibility
- Addex, Zibo 737 startFlight, MsgBox, show corrected EFB total payload lbs
- Addex, Zibo 737 startFlight, skip PayloadManager
- Addex, XP11 startFlight hint, limitations A306F/A313F/Zibo737
- Added, Zibo 737F, compatibility
- Added, iS A-310-300F, compatibility
- Added, iS A-300-600F, compatibility
- Added, FF B-767-200SF, Flaps 30 setting
- Added, FF B-767-300F, Flaps 30 setting
- Added, PayloadManager, FOB in percent
- Added, NoGo error, flaps not retracted at very high speed
- Added, Smaller error, flaps not retracted at higher speed
- Added, Smaller error, taxiing but taxi-lights not ON
- Added, DL-Center, tabs, title shows now nbr of local files each category
- Fixed, DL-Center, sort ByRef FlightPlans by chosen FSim
- Fixed, Manually load FPlan if sourcePathFile and destPathFile are identical
- Fixed, StartFlight, depTime currTime discrepancy at very beginning
- Fixed, XP11, TAT XPUIPC bug, bypass with rename label
- Fixed, XP11 frmMinimal, FSim insim msg empty space
- Fixed, StartFlight, currPayload percent
- Fixed, WeatherString, if only Fsuipc values
- Fixed, minor bugs
- Changed, StartFlight, not autoload FPlan if autocopy deactivated
- Changed, StartProg, DL-Center, MsgBox new files only if not yet asked
- Changed, XP11, deactivated time accel, due to XPUIPC limitations
- Changed, Offset aircraft-fullname, 256 instead 48 maxChars
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.2.7
- Added, X-Plane 11 compatibility
- Added, StartUp Program/flight, check running more than selected FSim
- Added, Conversion/Transfer XP11-fms-WP-data to webVA-acars map
- Added, FF B-767-200SF, compatibility
- Added, FF B-767-300F, compatibility
- Added, JF DC-10-10F, compatibility, incl. LVar doors handle
- Added, endFlight, MsgInfo, stopped but not yet sent suitable info
- Added, startFlight, MsgInfo, also Fsuipc could cause exceeding maxGW
- Added, TouchDown, last FPM and worst/logged FPM are now separated
- Added, XP11 frmMinimal, Red-Note, excess of center of gravity CG
- Added, XP11 frmMinimal, FSim insid text shown additionally
- Fixed, readXML, handling if only empty or dummy content
- Fixed, Arrival, Flag Landing, only set at arrival airport
- Fixed, DownloadCenter, Autocopy flightplan to incompatible FSim
- Changed, frmMinimal, Landing FPM, only shown if on ground
- Changed, No pilot-error anymore if LLights ON below radioAlt 7500ft
- Added, StartFlight PMDG, check ini fsuipc-broadcast activated, else set
- Added, SendFlight, delete all flightplan-files same core-filename
- Added, UpdateCurrentFlightStatus, check fsuipc-bug when taxiing too
- Added, SendFlight, MsgBox, error code with further details why
- Added, PMDG 747-8F, compatibility
- Added, fuel bug check, acceleration phase, fuel diminishs else warning
- Added, flightLog, finish flight, write arrival loadings
- Added, flightLog, moment TO and TD, currGW now also in percent
- Added, saveFiles, HEX format
- Added, frmMinimal, red warning, if prohibited fuelchange
- Fixed, check LicenceProgVersion if v2 without v1
- Fixed, Log, Touch-Down FPM, only considering badest value if several
- Fixed, Unpunctuality Calc, no useless re-check anymore
- Changed, vertical FPM, rating text
- Changed, UpdateCurrentFlightStatus, SpeedTAS to SpeedGS
- Changed, StartFlight, now also considering pre-overall/light settings
- Changed, tempDataFilesLX, log-storage every 7 sec, not more often
- Changed, LightsDetection, instrumentL, PMDG 777 addon bug, deactivated
- Optimized, fsuipc, (re)establishing fsuipc connection
- Optimized, flightstatus, taxiing always before acceleration logged
- Added, DownloadCenter, flightplans, get sorted to chosen FSim
- Added, Taxiing, Log, add final loading values
- Added, startup, MsgBox info new files, now listed category nbr of files
- Added, MsgBox, not boarding-phase, precise indications why
- Added, ErrLog, Improved anonymization
- Added, SendFlightLog, error handling corrupt Pirep Nbr for comments
- Changed, Crash detection, enforcement deactivated
- Changed, PMDG, change fuel during flight, check intervall to 10 sec
- Fixed, startflight, check cond, ignore own reserved aircraft RegNbrs
- Fixed, check pushback true/false, the logic
- Fixed, MsgBoxProc while frmMinimal shown
- Optimized, FSim rate, flaps, integer conversion
- Optimized, PMDG, change fuel during flight, content of info-MsgBox
Version to
- Added, frmMain, label Payload, red color if maxPayload exceeded
- Added, frmMain, label GW, red color if maxGW exceeded
- Added, frmMinimal, shows landing-rate FPM when existing
- Added, frmMinimal, red warning, if maxPayload exceeded
- Added, frmMinimal, red warning, if maxGW exceeded
- Added, DownloadCenter, warning/question MsgBox downloading > 20 files
- Added, frmLogin, lbl link, forum URL Passcode
- Added, StartFlight, PMDG 737, detailled msgbox if door not open
- Added, Compatibility with new VA-server
- Added, ErrorLog, errTxt, including conn Fsuipc version
- Added, ErrorLog, errTxt, including running FSim version
- Added, ErrorLog, errTxt, PilotID now anonymously written as "UserXY"
- Changed, check Fuelcheat, min. accepted diff value is now 200 lbs
- Changed, NoGoErrors, exceed maxPayloadOnly, limit value now 102%
- Changed, NoGoErrors, exceed maxGW, limit value now 102%
- Changed, TO/Landing, now no baro fault if standard value is set
- Changed, AutoPause close arrivArpt, code logic
- Changed, frmMain, btn "Stop Log" to "Finish Log"
- Fixed, check Fuelcheat, endless loop even if cancelling flight
- Fixed, Fsuipc net, calc GW in Percent
- Fixed, Fsuipc, check version, round check-value
- Fixed, Calc flighttime, if flown route shorter than scheduled route
- Fixed, startflight, check time diff, now max. 5min accepted, not 4min
- Fixed, profile, downloading signature graphic
- Fixed, btns "Stop Log" and "Send Log" enabled=true again if failed proc
- Fixed, frmMain, Fsuipc-Conn-Lost, hint-txt not disappearing anymore
- Fixed, liveupdate, depTime, arrivTime, now transmitted correctly
- Fixed, flight, status text "approaching", logic
- Fixed, DownloadCenter, Obj enabled logic
- Optimized, DownloadCenter, speed downloading files
- Optimized, DownloadCenter, speed deleting files
- Optimized, liveupdate, status text for webVA
- Optimized, btnStopLog, btnSendLog, double-click protection
- Minor changes
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.1.27
- Added, frmMain, Menu entry, LogbookMain, show pirep files
- Added, Start flight, logtxt and flight infotxt, separ default loads
- Added, Start flight, check pre-existing .pln file, hint if not
- Added, CS 757-200PF, LVars Nav, Beacon, Strobe, Logo
- Added, CS 757-200PF, flaps positions
- Added, Save/Load Savegame, value of current routeFL
- Changed, frmMinimal, BoardPhase, inactiveTxt-hint only if > 5min to go
- Changed, Benchmark, maxGW/maxFuel/maxPayload only when taxi or later
- Changed, SmallPenalty, beacon, TO, set counters back
- Changed, SmallPenalty, beacon, accepted nbr error-seconds
- Fixed, LicenceAcceptance, check logic
- Added, StartFlight, pre-check corrupt surface-crash flag
- Added, StartFlight, pre-check corrupt crash flag
- Added, frmMinimal, additional boarding phase info
- Added, frmMinimal, btnInfo, not boarding phase conditions
- Added, frmMain, Menu Flight, show Flight-Route on SkyVector
- Added, frmMain, btnInfo, not boarding phase conditions
- Changed, StartFlight, error handling
- Changed, NoGo Penalty, new landable surfaces: varIce and varUnknown
- Changed, frmMain, Menu, Payload, short-lbls blocked if PMDG
- Fixed, DownloadCenter, disposed obj error sometimes
- Fixed, StartFlight, check-routine PilotID already flying a bid
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.1.25
- Added, frmLogin, handling serverVA no conn available
- Added, time-acceleration, protection excessive pitch or bank-angle
- Added, webVA, auto-(re)login if losing connection during flight
- Added, pre-check overall availabilityWebserverVA
- Added, httpWebRequest, timeout after 4 seconds
- Added, frmMinimal, more Information during Boarding-Phase
- Added,, additonal check-payloadservice-conn error routine
- Added, frmSettings, option On/Off autosavegame pre-def flight-situations
- Added, frmSettings, rtb logic, select path to weather-file
- Added, frmMain, flight, arrivArpt labels blue after takeoff
- Added, frmMain, flight, departArpt labels blue before start flight
- Added, frmMain, Menu Aircraft, fuel flow ENG 1-4
- Added, frmMain, Menu Aircraft, handling doors 1-4
- Added, frmMain, Menu Aircraft, settings lights and fuel dump
- Added, Workaround, FSim bug, ignore time-cheat if FSim time-jumps by system
- Added, Small penalty, touchdown with negative pitch
- Added, Small penalty, touchdown autopilotON but good visibility
- Added, StartFlight, routeFL considering maxAircraftFL
- Added, StartFlight, check P3D.exe version matching seleted setting
- Added, internet conn, verify security of user-authentication
- Added, Overspeed, FSim time automatically to 1x
- Added, PMDG, delete panelstate if linked savegames is deleted
- Added, JF BAe 146-300QT, LVars Lights Beacon
- Added, JF BAe 146-300QT, compatibility payloadStations
- Added, JF HS 748F, LVars Lights Landing, Taxi, Strobe
- Changed Small penalty, arrival/TD, being too early not penalized anymore at all
- Changed, frmStartscreen, TopMost not enforced anymore
- Changed, frmSettings, Only block needed obj while logging flight
- Changed, StartFlight, Improved comparision aircraft-typ and name
- Changed, FlightStatus, Pushback triggering code
- Changed, trigger gear-down, conditions less strict
- Changed, trigger moment of take-off/touch-down, speed conditions
- Changed, .NET, MsgBox instead
- Changed, autosaves, if PMDG and P3Dv5, ignore if below 5000ft
- Changed, autosaves, in air only if above 3000ft
- Changed, autosaves, on ground only if slower 10 kts
- Changed, Check some cheating values only after leaving FSim menu mode
- Changed, compilation from x86 to x64
- Fixed, Flight, always catching new savegames inside FSim
- Fixed, AutoSave, only 700nm-distance-save if whole route is longer
- Fixed, UpdateProgram, logic version mode
- Fixed, StartFlight, Time PB, miscalculation
- Fixed, StartFlight, laggy, hinttext bottom
- Fixed, StartFlight, laggy, MsgBox if PMDG
- Fixed, StartFlight PMDG, calc payload lbs
- Fixed, StartFlight PMDG, calc estimated profit
- Fixed, StartFlight, optional aircraft, calc needed minRange
- Fixed, Penalty, never reaching TOC, now check only at arrival airport
- Fixed, DownloadCenter, blue-label, local but uninstalled file
- Fixed, Loading savegame, check maxNbr loading this savegame
- Fixed, StartUpProgram, check minVersion by websiteVA-setting
- Optimized, StartFlight, creation of payload.obj
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.1.24
- Added, DownloadCenter, red-flag if file installed but newer on server
- Added, Start flight, pre-note if older savegames of route exist
- Added, Start flight, MsgBox if inexisting PMDG/QW flightplan
- Added, Sending pirep, delete autosave preflight
- Added, frmBidsOverview, column route distance
- Added, frmMain, Start flight, cbx title shows route distance too
- Added, frmMain, Fuel and Payload, fastclick loading mode
- Added, flap degrees, aircrafts A300 and A330
- Added, compatibility QW 757
- Added, compatibility QualityWings (Flightplans)
- Added, Payload-Manager, not boarding-phase, do not ask for applying changes
- Added, Load savegame, log, write current fuelload
- Added, Load savegame, if PMDG, add additional sec before start checking flight
- Changed, Payload-Manager, lbl, auto-copy flightplan to FSim always clickable
- Changed, Payload-Manager, view if not in Boarding-Phase
- Changed, allowed delays at TD/arrival, now in relation to overall flighttime
- Fixed, Start flight, calc route distance before Fsuipc delivers data
- Fixed, Start flight, calc date, if local Time is before and its UTC is after midnight
- Fixed, Start flight, calc date, arrival and departure time UTC
- Fixed, check penalties, useless check optional aircraft
- Fixed, loading flightplan, if not existing path
- Fixed, pilot-error, never reaching TOC, logtxt, routeFL now correct
- Fixed, Start flight, calc deviance/delay time, max allowed values
- Fixed, pilot-error, touch-down not arriv. airport, shall not be penalized at deprt. airport
- Fixed, pilot-error, leaving ground not depart. airport, shall not be penalized at arriv. airport
- Fixed, load savegame, pre-set trigger close to arriv.arpt if loading in trigger-range
- Fixed, load savegame, send flightnumber to FSim's ATC
- Fixed, load savegame, if loaded in two steps over menu-mode
- Fixed, load savegame, auto detection if FSim is really loading a savegame
- Fixed, load savegame, if optional aircraft, reload some not dynamic data
- Fixed, load savegame, pilot-error unpunctuality, reload data
- Fixed, pilot-error, rolling/taxiing with > maxGW, check only if on ground
- Fixed, pilot-error unpunctuality, calc penalty
- Added, compatibility P3Dv5
- Added, compatibility PMDG 737NGxU
- Added, compatibility PMDG 747v3
- Added, Start flight, get dynamical fuelprice from webVA
- Added, Start flight, optional aircraft-type-mode added
- Added, Start flight, autocopy .rte to PMDG folder
- Added, Flight information, regroup, more infos
- Added, hint text while download/update ACVacars
- Added, DownloadCenter, downloading .rte routes too
- Added, DownloadCenter, lbl hint, preparing exec installer
- Added, DownloadCenter, btns Download only new files
- Added, DownloadCenter, Delete orphaned files
- Added, DownloadCenter, Delete orphaned folders
- Added, DownloadCenter, MsgBox if new files are available
- Changed, Start flight, calc min. fuel reserves
- Changed, Start flight, calc avail payload
- Fixed, Load flight, manually
- Fixed, Flaps position indication in degrees
- Fixed, Start flight, calc payload
- Fixed, Start flight, calc dist depart airport
- Fixed, Start flight, set FSim values back
- Fixed, check Fsuipc version
- Updated, to FSUIPCClientDLL v.3.1.21
- Optimized, Start flight, waiting-counter logic
- Optimized, downloading files
- Optimized, Executing/Opening files and folders
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
Version to
- Added, Manual, improved content (how to start flight, restore flight)
- Added, Show payload manager after start flight
- Added, frmMinimal, GW indicator
- Added, Flight Information, depart and arriv delay reasons
- Changed, DownloadCenter, FSim running, now only blocks some categories
- Fixed, ID-check while logging in
- Fixed, Profile settings, OnOff/check close dist arriv arpt
- Fixed, calc TimeDiff if passing midnight-switch
- Fixed, auto-update, check version
- Fixed, loading savegame status detection
- Optimized, DownloadCenter, code
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
Version to
- Added, Manual, new content
- Added, frmMain, menu, show flight information
- Added, StartFlight, form, show flight information
- Added, flight-status, button cancel download
- Added, flight-status text, on ground, type of surface touching
- Changed, to Version 3.1.13 of dll
- Changed, NoGo error, crash surface, text, name surface
- Changed, Fsuipc, readout version
- Changed, NoGo error, crash surface, only after certain speed
- Changed, frmSettings, cbxFlight-Sim also clickable when logged in
- Fixed, frmLogin, not checking downloadcenter after login
- Fixed, DownloadCenter, flickering while downloading
- Fixed, NoGo error, missed surface
- Fixed, DownloadStatus, refresh
- Optimized, DownloadCenter, code
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Added, Manual, structure and link
- Added, StartFlight, Log, approx flight time with pre-given delays
- Added, StartFlight, Log, approx average GS
- Added, StartFlight, Log, approx expected profit
- Added, StartFlight, block with MsgBox if profile is flying this flight
- Added, StartFlight, MsgBox if profile is flying other flight
- Added, FlightLog, evaluate, tags, flight raw data
- Added, Activating profile, warning msgbox if no FSim installed
- Added, frmMain, btn connect fsuipc
- Added, frmLogin, BG picture
- Added, frmLogin, cbxChooseProfile
- Added, DownloadCenter, skip addOn installation if no FSim installed
- Changed, frmMain, btnStartCancelLog, enable handling
- Changed, ErrorReport, addressing different email-address
- Changed, notation in Source Code
- Fixed, DownloadCenter, logic autoupdate
- Fixed, DownloadCenter, logic deactivation other liveries
- Fixed, Activate profil, pubVarChosenFSim
- Optimized, LoginWebPage, improved encryption
- Optimized, DownloadCenter, download speed
- Optimized, DownloadCenter, code
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Added, frmLogin
- Added, Info schedule deviation at TD and AR
- Added, DownloadCenter, info texts while start it up
- Added, SavegameXml, saves last coordinates and last coord-check
- Added, frmMinimal, relevant infos shown inflight
- Changed, time saved/used as full datetime
- Changed, SmallerError, Never TOC, new IAL not TAL
- Changed, PreGiven Arriv-delay now independet of depart-delay
- Changed, frmMain, menu, licence-items not enabled during flight
- Changed, Fuelload manager, width of listview increased
- Bugfixing, Payload/Fuelload manager
- Fixed, Login process, mySettings handling
- Fixex, DPI-resistance of forms and controls
- Fixed, Check installed FSim
- Fixed, double loading of Download-Manager in some cases
- Fixed, Miscalculation cheating distance
- Fixed, mix-up between TAS and GS
- Fixed, Connection WebsiteVA wrong error detection
- Fixed, Load savegame, loading FSim current time UTC
- Fixed, Load savegame, frmMain update objects
- Fixed, frmMain, Remaining distance
- Fixed, FSim pause handling
- Fixed, StartFlight, Payload, JustAfterStart values
- Fixed, Flight time, calc AR and PB, if deviation >24 hours
- Fixed, Arrival, maxFlighttime, pre-given delays not included
- Optimized, scenario of relevant punctual time
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Changed, Flighttime, not running in flight-establishing mode
- Changed, Flighttime, Concept Departure/Arrival time
- Changed, to .NET 4.7.2
- Changed, FlightLog, Flaps to zero, now shows also speed kts
- Changed, FlightLog, TO/Touch-Down, text "weather" instead "METAR"
- Added, frmMain, downLeft, time UTC and time to punctual touch-down
- Added, time category UTC
- Added, Smaller-error: Unpunctual arrival moment of touch-down
- Added, Smaller-error: Unpunctual arrival
- Added, Smaller-error: Unpunctual departure
- Added, WebsiteAcarsUpdate, send flightroute waypoints data
- Added, Dealing with flightplan waypoints (name, coords, distance)
- Added, Flighttime, don't increase while FSim menu mode
- Added, Flighttime, blocked after reaching some limits
- Added, Flighttime, blocked after deboarding-phase
- Added, FlightLog, Nbr of engines running
- Added, FlightLog, TO/Touch-Down, text flight duration
- Added, Savegame, value nbr engines running in total
- Added, Autosavegame, pre-flight, just before flight recording
- Added, Autosavegame if climbing 27000ft
- Added, Flight, program pushed top=true if close arrival airport
- Added, Start flight, savegame-counter before checking pilot errors
- Added, Start flight, autoload flightplan if already existing
- Added, NoGo-error: Cheating, flight time
- Added, NoGo-error: Cheating, change aircraft type during flight
- Added, NoGo-error: Aircraft crashing
- Added, NoGo-error: Aircraft crashing if not landable surface
- Added, StartUp, check sufficient available Fsuipc version
- Fixed, Calc remaining distances, remaining time
- Fixed, DPI awareness of parentForm and childForms
- Optimized, StartFlight, Autoload relevant flightplan
- Optimized, Calc remaining distance includes flightplan data
- Optimized, Calc remaining time includes flightplan data
- Optimized, precision, flight-time seconds-counter
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Changed, to Version 3.1.11 of dll
- Changed, StatusText, Updating more often, text and progressbar
- Changed, NoGo-Error, Swap position, algorithm
- Changed, Autosavegame, not anymore created if NoGo-Error has happened
- Changed, Savegame, Save/Load fueltank-values in lbs
- Changed, frmShowContent, ShowFormLogic
- Changed, Program and InternetConn encryption, from 3DES to AES256
- Added, Encryption mode AES256
- Added, frmSettings, cbx FSims, lists only installed FSims now
- Added, DownloadCenter, Autocopy new Flightplans to FSim-folder
- Added, DownloadCenter, cbx FSims, lists only installed FSims now
- Added, DownloadCenter, AutoDownloadInstall considers all installed FSims at once
- Added, DownloadCenter, ContextMenu, Item Show FanMod ChangeLog
- Added, DownloadCenter, Show installation report after all
- Added, FanMods cannot be downloaded/installed without acceptance of its licence
- Added, Acars not executable if Acars-licence not accepted by user
- Added, Licence mechanism, Acars and FanMods
- Added, frmWeather, Temp TAT for weather at aircraft position
- Added, Flight, boarding phase, change payload, now minimum crew required
- Added, Fuelload-/Payload-Manager
- Added, layout with DPI-awareness
- Added, SendPirep, Reconnect profile after sending
- Fixed, DownloadCenter, Uninstall, Deletion of Installer working again
- Optimized, WebRequests with TSL/SSL
- Optimized, frmSettings, tab Weather, logic improved
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Changed, to Version 3.1.10 of dll
- Changed, Total flight time, not calculated anymore, again just taken from websiteVA
- Added, FSim, show FSim-message if enforcement of a VA-rule during flight
- Added, DownloadCenter, tab miscellaneous
- Added, DownloadCenter, tab flightplans
- Added, Autosaving-function, saves flight every x minutes, with keeping five saves max
- Added, FsuipcNet-PayloadService-Connection error bypass handling
- Added, NoGo-error: additional reporting in errorlog if test-mode
- Added, NoGo-error: Cheating, swap of aircraft position
- Added, Boarding, payload-stations, changing values ok if not exceeding total value
- Added, Start flight, now aborts if P3D is still in startup-screen-mode
- Added, Start flight, FlightNumber now transmitted to FSim ATC
- Fixed, Start flight, unprecise calculation of empty cargo capacity
- Fixed, FSim pause increments pause-counter, algorithm
- Fixed, Profile-settings, Auto pause close to arrival, now ignores max allowed pauses
- Optimized, DownloadCenter, download-algorithm
- Optimized, Statusbar, progress and distance, algorithm
- Optimized, Timer, measurement of timediff in millisec
- Optimized, MsgBox, procs
- Optimized, Auto-Update process of main program
- Optimized, Profile-settings, User friendly auto procs choosing weather source
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Changed, Profile-setting, Auto pause close to arrival, now ignores max allowed pauses
- Changed, Update, Now differs between more modes: Dev, TestInhouse, ClosedBeta, OpenBeta, Release
- Changed, Distance to ArrArpt, Doing calculation offline not online anymore
- Added, Unauthorized change of fuelload-values sets them back automatically
- Added, Unauthorized change of payload-values sets them back automatically
- Added, Login, Block if program version not meets required version given by WebsiteVA
- Added, Flight, Choosable Yes/No: Show inflight message while saving game-situation
- Added, frmWeather, Button for showing weather settings
- Added, Weather source, now choosable: Flight-Sim itself, ActiveSky32or64bit,
- Added, frmSettings, weather tab
- Added, FSim, Check if running FSim version matches version of current profile setting
- Fixed, frmSettings/Pirep, Label-enable is false if set in phpFile
- Fixed, FSim, Creating savegame by external acars-program works again
- Fixed, Update, Comparing program/update versions fixed
- Fixed, FSim, Message-texts from program appear correctly
- Fixed, Sending flight to websiteVA, now with correct flighttype-value (Cargo or Passenger)
- Fixed, NoGo-error: Landing-gear down while speeding, now checks IAS and not TAS anymore
- Optimized, Sending Pirep, check-proc if pirep already exists
- Optimized, Calculation progressbar and distance to depart/arriv airports
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Changed, NoGo-error, only refueling is still punished, not dumping anymore
- Changed, Updated to FSUIPC Client DLL v.3.1.5
- Changed, installer-concept server/program
- Added, NoGo-error: Taking-off with spoilers extended
- Added, New flight, flightlog at beginning, now contains real-world date/time too
- Added, Auto-savegame after landing while taxiing to gate/cargo
- Added, Auto-savegame shortly after takeoff
- Added, Loading savegame, protection, autopilot, fly current heading instead of wrong/old waypoint
- Added, frmFlight, menu for just loading a saved flight-plan to FSim manually
- Added, blocks opening integrated webbrowser if no internet connection existing
- Added, frmMain, checklist-menu, showing downloaded checklists and clickable for opening
- Added, frmDownloadCenter, file-items, context-menu
- Added, frmDownloadCenter, handling checklist-file-types, pdf and xml
- Added, frmDownloadCenter, concept and main functions (auto download, install, uninstall)
- Added, frmSettings/General, show VA-Signature-Graphic of choosen pilot
- Added, frmStartupScreen graphic can be customized if wished
- Fixed, Data transfer to server, sorted out error "510 not extended" in some cases
- Fixed, Misinterpretation of heading-mag and heading-true
- Fixed, Smaller-error: parking-brakes, now only checking while on ground
- Optimized, Code, Showing VA-messages (breaking news, standard news)
- Optimized, Code, Showing current flight-status
- Optimized, Code, while loading savegame, more reliable loading flight-plan
- Optimized, error handling if no internet-connection exists or php-file is corrupt
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Changed, Default-picture of startup screen
- Added, FlightStatus: While pushing back, so called flight status is being shown
- Added, Autosave: After reaching distance to destination-airport less than 700nm
- Added, Autosave: After having flown half of total distance to destination-airport
- Added, NoGo-error: Activating parking-brakes at speed faster than 80 kts
- Added, Smaller-error: Activating parking-brakes at speed faster than 10 kts
- Added, Smaller-error: Never reaching bid flight-level (never TOC)
- Added, StartFlight, Payload stations, fill empty station with default value before calculating
- Added, frmMain, Menu Help, New entry showing deactivated pilot-errors/penalties
- Added, Version Incompatible Profile, Show MsgBox, Info not deleting LogbookMain files
- Fixed, Version Incompatible Profile, don't delete LogbookMain files anymore
- Optimized, SendFlightReport, more detailed info about sending-result of PIREP-logtext to WebsiteVA
- Optimized, ErrorReporting, if server-transfer error occures
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Changed, Improved declaration of current flight-status
- Changed, program compiled with VS 2017 and not anymore with VS 2015
- Added, Keep FSimRate within certain range according to WebsiteVA
- Added, Principle of LogbookMain as second but main logbook of profile
- Added, FSim-Connection lost but running-flight, aircraft-icon on livemap WebsiteVA gets invisible
- Added, SendFlightReport, max-chars values now from WebsiteVA and only hardcoded as backup
- Added, SendFlightReport, Cut with note in the middle a logtext exceeding max char-length of WebsiteVA
- Added, SendFlightReport, second comment with listed pilot-errors in detail
- Added, frmSettings, txbVAcode now hidden with password-char, viewable by button-press
- Added, P3Dv4 compatibility
- Fixed, NOGo-errors: Change fuel, change payload during flight
- Fixed, Smaller-error: Thrust > 40% while parking-brakes ON only penalty if at least one engine running
- Fixed, Procs set back FSim Config files (Prepar3D_Default.fxml, Prepar3D_Default.wx)
- Fixed, Procs delete FSim-shader folder
- Fixed, wrong pausing FSim if close to arrival airport
- Fixed, Minor content
- Optimized, FlightStatus, variants general status
- Optimized, Code, if no internet-connection exists
- Optimized, Code, Activate existing profile
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Changed, Code, Bypass loading a flight-situation in FSim
- Changed, Code, Folder Logbook, keep old-version pirep-files and not only at the archive
- Changed, Code, Checking program version
- Changed, Code, TimerHandling, reduced number of Fsuipc-readouts
- Added, FlightPhase "Taxiing", creates auto-savegame now
- Added, Before start flight, (re)check once more if flight-bid still exists on WebsiteVA
- Added, frmMain, textbox with current flight status
- Added, Savegame, Save/Load payload person+cargo and onlyCargo
- Added, Changing payload fuel and payload cargo only allowed during phase "boarding"
- Added, FlightLog, Possibility to show or not time-acceleration
- Added, Loading savegame, increment nbr of loading only after some time
- Added, frmShowContentTextfiles, Button for printing content of textbox
- Added, Smaller-error: Rolling/Taxiing with exceeding cargo-payload
- Added, NoGo-error: Take-off with exceeding cargo-payload
- Added, NoGo-error: Changing fuel during flight
- Added, NoGo-error: Changing payload during flight
- Added, Comm with server, encryption of crucial data during transfer process
- Added, StartUp Program, Check syntax-integrity of ACVacars.php if connection to server is possible
- Added, WebsiteVA-settings, min altitude below not possible to accelerate FSim-time (if set by admin)
- Added, WebsiteVA-settings, min altitude below not possible to pause (if set by admin)
- Fixed, Minor content
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- Added, Flight-Start-Log, after auto-cut-engines and/or auto-open-door, wait some sec. to let it happen in FSim
- Added, Check internet-connection before starting a flight, block if no connection
- Added, Check internet-connection before stop-and-evaluate a flight, block if no connection
- Added, Check internet-connection before sending PIREP, block if no connection
- Added, Flight-Status "Top-Of-Descend (TOD)"
- Added, Moment of reaching Top-Of-Descend (TOD): A default auto-savegame is being created
- Added, Moment of reaching Top-Of-Climb (TOC): A default auto-savegame is being created
- Added, Short after Touch-Down at arrival airport: A default auto-savegame is being created
- Added, Moment of Take-Off and Touch-Down: METAR-data are printed into log
- Added, frmListBids, fourth column with aircraft registration nbr.
- Added, frmListBids, new button "Add a Flight-Bid"
- Added, frmMain, frmWebBrowser, new menu-item "Flight Schedules/AddBid"
- Added, frmMain aircraft obj, new labels alt radio, alt true
- Added, Send pirep, total of pilot-errors now mentioned in comment-summary
- Added, Pause FSim with message after a No-Go error has occured
- Added, profile-settings, keep main program window always on top if wished
- Added, NoGo-error: Spoilers out at very low radio-altitude
- Added, NoGo-error: Cut-off all engines while being in the air
- Added, Some ACVacars messages are now showed enforced within flight-sim
- Added, Check new version of ACVacars before each start of a flight
- Changed, MsgBox is now placed in the middle of the program and not the screen anymore
- Changed, frmMain now shows outside air temperature as TAT and not as OAT anymore
- Changed, Penalty-Logic of baro-mismatch TakeOff and Landing
- Fixed, Miscalculation total number of loaded savegames and CTD-savegames
- Fixed, Problem with converting time-formats
- Fixed, Loading savegame out of FSim did not let load flight-bid correctly
- Fixed, frmMain obj enabled=true even if no last-bid is available
- Fixed, Minor content
- Optimized, Code, Minor content
- ALPHA release